Saucy Services

Saucy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Service is a convenient, healthy and eco-friendly service that flows easily into your daily routine.

Our Package of either organic prefolds or pocket diapers for $32.50/week includes:

Service Pack
  • Unlimited amount of organic cotton pre-fold diapers or pocket diapers, size according to baby’s weight/size
  • 5 covers 
  •  Fleece liners and flannel cotton wipes
  • Pail with 2 pail liners, 1 for pail and one for storing diapers and accessories
  • Snappi is optional and sold separately

Your set up package for diapers of your choice for $20 includes:

  • 80 newborn size diapers fitting 7-12lbs, wipes, fleece, covers, pail and 2 pail liners.
  • Comprehensive in person tutorial at your home
  • 24/7 support
  • First delivery and pick up

Pick up/Delivery:

  • Leave your dirty diapers outside your door  on pick up day
  • Fresh diapers will come on that day at a pre-arranged schedule

Sign Up for this Service Online

We will contact you within 24 hours to arrange a time for set-up and demonstration.

Alternatively you can contact us at 604-826-4475

More Information

Once you sign up with us, we will arrange for a date and time for set up and demonstration at your home.  It is best to find a date when both parties can be present to learn all about diapers and ask questions, however we are flexible and can arrange for set up at your convenience or situation. You will find there are many ways you can diaper a baby. You’ll be able to pick and choose from a variety of options and diaper to your baby’s needs. We offer organic cotton pre-fold diapers because they are a natural material, very absorbent, soft and most economical to clean.  They are also multi-functional.  There will be 5 covers included with the service, a variety of velcro and snap covers.  Pocket diapers are a convenient way to diaper because you can prep the diaper ahead of time and then use them when the time comes.  Even though they are different packages, both fall under the same value.  Choose what you feel is convenient for you.  If you don’t know we will show you the difference at the set up.

The snappi is optional to use and can be purchased separately from us.  The prefold diaper can be put on a baby without snappi by simply holding it in place while putting the cover over top, however the snappi will hold the diaper better in place and prevent it from shifting when baby moves. It also contains messes better so that your need to wash covers is reduced.

The service also includes unlimited amount of wipes and fleece liners. The cotton wipes will help reduce waste and are a healthy choice for your baby’s brand new skin. We recommend to use the wipes damp and with lots of water with every change to fully rinse off residual ammonia. One of the leading causes of diaper rash is ammonia burning baby’s skin. To help reduce diaper rash, you can use fleece liners. Fleece will wick away moisture and keep the skin dry.

  • The diaper pail you receive will come with 2 liners, one for the pail and in the other you can store the clean diapers.
  • We pick up/deliver once a week to ensure efficiency and cleanliness.
  • The weekly cost of the service is $32.50 taxes included for one child and $36.25 for multiples. Your payment options are cash, cheque, e-transfer, Credit Card, PayPal or monthly automatic Credit Card Payment.
  • In summary, our service provides you with everything you will need to diaper your baby with ease and confidence without ever having to go to the store to get supply.
  • The service is meant to make it easy for you and to help you with your transition into parenthood.

Sign Up for this Service Online

We will contact you within 24 hours to arrange a time for set-up and demonstration.

Alternatively you can contact us at 604-826-4475

Gift Certificates:

Please call us for a Gift Certificate tailored to your liking.


Please visit our Saucy Store to browse through the goodies we have available.  If you live in the Fraser Valley or Lower Mainland we will deliver to you within 5 days of ordering.