Be creative and free and go for it!

Diapering doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact at this stage in life you need something in place that makes things easy worry free and just plain old simple.  With the supplies you receive from us, feel free to use  in a variety of ways and use as much as you possibly can.   The diapers, for instance, you can use not only as a diaper for baby, but also as padding underneath baby.  Fold the diaper over baby and you catch any eliminations that may go on while you prepare a new diaper.  The diaper can also be underneath baby when you do air time.  In the even of a  gentle or projectile spil, grab a soft, absorbent diaper for clean up and it will make life easier.  When you use the diapers in all these creative ways and on top of it for diapering, then you will feel you are making use of what you are receiving.  It will make a huge difference how you are using prefold diapers compared to other styles of cloth or disposables.  It will further cut down on your laundry and keep it organized and clean.

How can you use wipes in different ways?  The wipes you receive are unlimited, which doesn’t mean you need 600 a week, but you will get enough to have a bit of a surplus in case baby gets sick and clean up is a bit messier then usual.  In case baby presents itself to be a heavy wetter, take a couple of wipes, fold them once and use them as absorbency inside the diaper!

Once you find your own creative way of diapering with cloth diapers, you will be sailing through the diapering years and be confident that you can do this again for your next children around.

If you know of other creative ways to use cloth diapers, please share with us!


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