How to use cloth diaper wraps

Today we show you the different types of wraps we offer with our service.

Today we show you the different types of wraps we offer with our service.

One type is with aplix that has back tabs you can close when you put the cover in the wash to avoid catching lint and fuzz.  They come in 4 styles and  sizes, newborn, small, medium and large.  After you have put them on, make sure that they are snug, no diaper sticks out around the legs, the back and that there is about 2 finger width of space in the front.

The other type is a one-size cover with snaps. First adjust the snaps to size the cover to your baby.  Place the cover around the baby and snap into place.  Again, check that nothing is sticking out around  the legs and the back and the cover sits snug.

We offer a variety of wraps you may try out so you can find out what works best for you and your baby.

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